


Anthony is 13 years old.   He was abandoned at his grandmother’s small single room mud home along with his sisters and brother.  The grandmother is 70 years old and has numerous medical issues.

The children are a great help to her, but supporting them is very difficult. She relies on well-wishers to assist her with water and food.  School, even public school, is beyond her reach.

Upon meeting the family, Expanding Opportunities assisted with some emergency help and has agreed to sponsor the children’s education. Their school uniforms were the first new clothing they had ever had and new shoes were beyond a dream come true for them. They enjoy being with their grandmother and are grateful for the ability to attend school without fear of being sent home.

Anthony needs $150.00 for school fees and associated costs. $50 will get him started in the new school year. Then approximately $100 for the remainder of the year.

Full school sponsorship is just $12.50 per month (or about the cost of one latte per week – $3.00 weekly).

Sponsors may:
Write to their child;
Skype with their child (planned dates);
Even visit their child!

To Sponsor Anthony Now, use the PayPal subscribe option below:

Sponsor Options

Other Sponsor Options:

  • Mail a check to Expanding Opportunities, 39 Main Street, 1B, Belfast, Maine;
  • Schedule an automatic withdrawal through PAYPAL to;
  • Call 1-207-930-8012 with your credit card information: request one full payment per year; automatic monthly payments, or contact us each month;
  • MPESA  254 (0)707-366833;
  • Stop in at 39 Main Street 1B, Belfast Maine.

You may also make a one time donation of any amount by clicking the button below.

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