Mark Loigidongoi
My name is Mark Loigidongoi. I am seventeen years old. I live in Kiwanja, Burat Ward, Isiolo County, Kenya. I go to Gordon Clem Academy for studies because I believe it will change my life. We come for a new life through education.

Mark Loigidongoi
My aim in life is to liberate myself from poverty. I am studying to become a pilot. My favorite subjects are physics, math, and geography. I like playing athletics because God gave me the talent of running so I love athletics and singing.
I live in a mud house with my sister, brother, mother and my cousins. There are 12 children. One is in third year of high school, myself in first year of high school, four children in preschool, two in primary and four at home.
I lost my father because of malaria last year. My brother and I took him to the hospital. The doctor gave him treatment but he died.
My mother provides food and clothing for us by making charcoal and fetching water from a long distance about six kilometers (3.7 miles). We sleep at night on a hide. I do not have many clothes, and no food. Almost every night we sleep hungry because of the lack of food. My mother walks about ten kilometers (6.2 miles) to make charcoal to sell for food.
This is my challenge because what little comes is not enough for school fees. There is no father to pay the school fees. I will be happy if I get a well-wisher to help pay my school fees.
Written by Mark – lightly edited by Beverly Gilbert Stone