Donate Items

In Kenya

Many people ask us what we need in Kenya. The joy of donors in cleaning out their closets or shopping for items to bless children in Kenya is admirable and the list of wants is always endless. Though luggage is limited, we carry all that is allowable. If you can help us – we would be grateful.

LOCKS: Padlocks, luggage locks, combination locks, master locks

SHOES: Home shoes, school shoes – black leather tie or loafers

CLOTHES: T-shirts, shorts, socks, warm jackets/sweaters

SCHOOL SUPPLIES: book bags, back packs, pencils, pens, erasers, pencil sharpeners, children’s books, bibles

BEDDING: Blankets and Comforters

HOME AND GARDEN: work gloves, lopping shears, clippers, flashlights ( shake, wind or solar), solar lamps, marine halogen lamps (DC), wall hooks (glue on),plumbing snake, pruning shears, garden knife, Sweet Annie seed, Stevia Seed, quality 2″-4″ paint brushes

KITCHEN: pot holders, stainless steel or enamel cooking pots, wooden cook spoons, aprons, kitchen knives, solar cookers, garden seeds, pot holders

MEDICAL: medical supplies, first aid kit, hand sanitizer, bandaids, ace bandage, triangular bandages, gauze pads, medical tape

NOTE: Sometimes it is better to buy items in Kenya. If you wish to purchase any of these items with a donation, please send us an email about your donation and we will buy the item(s) in Kenya after we arrive.

In the U.S.

At Camp Forest, we need the following items:

Camping Items: canoes, land for wilderness preservation and expeditions, camperships

General Donation

Your donation is set to occur monthly until you cancel. If you wish to make a one-time donation, please uncheck the "Make this Donation monthly" box.

Please send a separate email if you wish to designate your funds to a specific purpose or project.

Thank you for supporting the work of Expanding Opportunities.

Personal Info

Donation Total: $25.00