Our Partners

Expanding Opportunities encourages collaboration and partnerships between projects and organizations.

Books for Kwaupanga Village Schools
Ken and Tracy Zeringer, traveled to Kenya and upon their return decided to raise funds to collect, ship and deliver a minimum of 4,000 surplus English language elementary textbooks and literature books and to raise funds, order, and deliver Kiswahili textbooks and literature books to schools in need in the Kwaupanga village. Expanding Opportunities partnered with them to be the fiscal sponsor for the project.

Trinity Church
Trinity Church in Lenox, MA has provided funds to assist with the establishment of the Gordon Clem Study Center and theĀ Gordon Clem Academy Aremiet Mixed Secondary School, which has since been donated to the Anglican Churches of Kenya.

The Omprakash Foundation
The Omprakash Foundation, [one of] our American partner[s], supports educational projects around the world by representing their diverse needs on its website, www.omprakash.org. Organizations interested in becoming an Omprakash Partner can visit www.omprakash.org/partners. Individuals interested in volunteering or fundraising for an Omprakash project can visit www.omprakash.org/volunteer. In order to support Omprakash’s goal of facilitating more communication and collaboration between different educational projects around the world, we ask all Expanding Opportunities volunteers, donors, and fundraisers to visit the Omprakash website and contribute to its message board at www.omprakash.org/messageboard.

Rabondo Community Project
The vision of the Rabondo Community Project USA (RABCP) begins with education- education that will serve as a catalyst for other critical programs that will strengthen Rabondo and save its children and families. Expanding Opportunities partnered with the Rabondo Community Project to bring a Distance Learning Center to Rabondo, Kenya.

One Million Ways
One Million Ways is a non-profit, 501c3 organization that aims to connect people of all ages through acts of kindness and to amplify their kindness by matching every good deed logged on our website with a $1 donation to a project in a developing nation. Ultimately we hope to empower people to become more active both locally and globally. Their goal is to log one million good deeds on their website www.onemillionways.org and to raise $1 million for grassroots organizations around the world.